Jun 30, 2024

How Do I Report Stolen Identity

2024-06-30T21:18:53+00:00June 30th, 2024|ID Theft|

Having your identity stolen is a huge pain in the neck.  Most people discover that their identities have been stolen when they get turned down for a car, home or job.  Many others discover it when they get collection calls for debts that they did not incur.  Either way, if you are a victim of [...]

Jun 28, 2024

Citibank and Citizens Bank will deny your credit card disputes…here is why and how we can fight back for you.

2024-06-28T00:01:48+00:00June 28th, 2024|Credit Card Dispute|

We handle a lot of credit card disputes in our law practice.  Why?  Because we not only have an excellent track record for our clients, but we typically get the bank to pay damages to our clients along with our fees.  Our clients pay nothing out of pocket for our services.  OK Enough of that. [...]

Nov 28, 2023

How to File a Lawsuit for Identity Theft

2023-11-28T21:58:37+00:00November 28th, 2023|ID Theft|

Identity theft occurs when someone steals and misuses your personal information, typically for financial gain. This malicious act can wreak havoc on your financial and personal life, making legal action a necessary step towards resolution. Federal law, especially the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act, lays the groundwork for prosecuting those who commit identity theft. [...]

Mar 16, 2023

How to Dispute a Charge with Chase

2023-03-16T17:06:31+00:00March 16th, 2023|Credit Card Dispute|

Many people have credit cards with Chase.  JP Morgan Chase, a.k.a Chase is a huge bank.    Credit card disputes with Chase and most other banks is at an all-time high thanks to identity theft and online shopping.  When you find fraudulent charges on your credit card account that you want to chargeback to Chase, here [...]

Mar 12, 2023

How to Hire an Identity Theft Lawyer

2023-03-12T16:56:10+00:00March 12th, 2023|ID Theft|

Identity theft is rampant in the United States and its not showing any signs of slowing down.  With online shopping also growing at a high rate of speed, identity thieves have been hard at work.  If you have been a victim of identity theft, it may be harder than you think to hire an identity [...]

Dec 11, 2022

Do you have a Credit Card Dispute? Don’t get bullied by your credit card company.

2022-12-11T16:58:44+00:00December 11th, 2022|Credit Card Dispute|

Ever since online shopping met up with identity theft, the credit card companies have been deluged with credit card disputes.  “I did not get my Amazon order” or “The eBay seller was a thief and never delivered the goods” (this actually happened to me) are common pleas made by consumers such as you and me [...]

Aug 30, 2022

Credit Repair Services – Top 4 tips on How to Choose a Legitimate company

2022-12-27T17:40:40+00:00August 30th, 2022|Credit Repair, ID Theft|

Shopping for credit repair services can be tricky.  The industry is rife with thieves, charlatans, and con artists.  Yet, there are also some very legitimate players as well.  So how can you tell a legit credit repair company from a non-legit one?  Follow these rules, and you will be able to find a decent one: [...]

Aug 16, 2022

Credit Repair For Dummies

2022-07-13T03:11:45+00:00August 16th, 2022|Credit Repair, ID Theft|

If you are asking about how credit repair works, you are no dummy.  It’s an excellent question.  It’s a multi-step process that works like this: You should pull your credit reports and review them for inaccurate or unverifiable information. These are two separate concepts.  Inaccurate information can include things that don’t belong to you, negative [...]

Jul 28, 2022

How to Dispute a Credit Card Charge with Chase

2022-07-28T22:05:21+00:00July 28th, 2022|Credit Card Dispute, Uncategorized|

Credit card disputes with Chase Bank, Amerian Express and Bank of America are very popular.  Its not really the banks' fault...at least not entirely, that so many people have credit card disputes.  Since online shopping and identity theft are both on the rise, fraudulent charges on your credit card account are bound to happen.  What [...]

Jul 26, 2022

Credit Repair Reviews

2022-12-27T17:41:07+00:00July 26th, 2022|Credit Repair, ID Theft|

A good credit repair company can help you boost your credit score, especially when it's being held down by inaccurately reporting negative information. Most credit reports have inaccurately reported negative information on them.  Under the law, it's your job to stay to review and keep your credit report clean. Unfortunately, there are a lot of [...]

Jul 19, 2022

Are Credit Repair Companies Legit?

2022-07-12T23:55:38+00:00July 19th, 2022|Credit Repair, ID Theft|

With so many lawsuits being filed by the Federal Trade Commission and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau against credit repair companies, it truly makes one wonder if, indeed, credit repair companies are legit?  The short answer is, yes, but very few of them are. The latest credit repair companies to get sued by the FTC [...]

Jul 12, 2022

Do Credit Repair Companies Work?

2022-07-13T00:19:41+00:00July 12th, 2022|Credit Repair, ID Theft|

At the Identity Theft Law Group, we often get asked whether “credit repair companies work."  It’s a complicated question depending on who is doing the credit repair and what things you expect to be removed from your credit report.  Let's dig in. For Credit Repair to be effective, the letter must be written by a [...]

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